oil sands
An innovative aircraft-based technique recorded carbon emissions not tracked before from the industrial region.
French supermajor sells its pair of oil sands assets to focus capital on its oil and gas assets with low breakeven.
The French supermajor calls deal "more straightforward" than spin-off of business.
The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive review of the latest technologies and work flows developed for heavy oil reservoir management.
New research reveals waste water injected underground by fossil fuel operators caused a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in November 2022 in the Peace River area of Alberta’s oil sands region.
The UK supermajor is selling off its Sunrise oil sands stake for cash, interest in the undeveloped Bay du Nord complex off Newfoundland.
The Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative is an alliance between Canada’s five largest oil sands producers. The group has announced additional details of its plan to achieve the goal of net zero greenhouse-gas emissions from oil sands operations.
As with large-scale carbon-capture projects in Europe and in the US, the Canadian oil companies say they will need various forms of government support to help realize the goals of the Paris Agreement.
When oil demand vaporized, oil sands producers cut 300,000 B/D of production from wells using steam injection to produce bitumen. It is a huge test of something they have long been reluctant to do—turn down in-situ production when prices plunge.
For years Canadian heavy-oil production exceeded the volumes pipelines could handle.
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