polymer flooding
A numerical simulation study based on experimental data of 2D and 3D models is presented to examine immiscible fingering during field-scale polymer-enhanced oil recovery.
This polymer retention study examines temperature effect on an ATBS-based polymer, using single- and two-phase retention studies and different analytical methods in the presence and absence of oil.
This paper describes a project in the heavy oil Captain field in the UK sector of the North Sea in which reduced environmental impact dovetails with improved economics.
This paper describes a polymer-injection pilot in the Chichimene heavy oil field in Colombia.
This paper presents a unique investigation into determining the sufficient concentration of hardness ions required to significantly reduce the adsorption of acrylamide-tertiary-butyl-sulfonate-based polymer with a focus on mitigating polymer retention in carbonate formations using softened brine.
In this paper, the authors propose polymer-assisted water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection as an alternative method to reduce gas mobility while reducing the mobility of the aqueous phase and, consequently, improving WAG performance.
This paper presents a systematic review of the largest alkaline-surfactant-polymer flood project in the world, applied to the largest oil field in China.
This study introduces a data-driven virtual viscosity meter as a tool to augment inline and laboratory viscosity measurements.
This paper presents the interpretation of two polymer-injectivity tests performed in two giant light-oil high-salinity/high-temperature carbonate reservoirs onshore Abu Dhabi.
The paper describes the development of an alkaline/surfactant/polymer formulation for the Mangala field in India, which involved more than 30 corefloods.
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