The updated rules are designed to increase safety during operations in the US Outer Continental Shelf, including in high-pressure/high-temperature environments in the Gulf of Mexico.
The court said the US Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration failed to adequately explain why the revised standards' benefits outweigh their costs.
NextDecade taps Bechtel for $4.3-billion turnkey EPC for Train 4 of the Texas plant, but a federal appeals court hits a partial reset button.
With shaky state funding and the EPA hamstrung by the Supreme Court, New Mexico could face a future with reduced protections.
The settlement to reduce emissions in North Dakota includes the largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and is expected to result in the reduction of more than 2.3 million tons of pollution.
The ruling said the US Department of Energy must resume reviewing permits for domestic LNG export projects.
The lawsuit was filed against the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, which has said the rule could affect around three-quarters of operators in the Gulf of Mexico.
The revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program aim to bring greater transparency and accountability for methane emissions from oil and natural gas facilities.
The final rule amends existing regulations and increases the level of financial assurances that operators must provide in advance.
The Interior Department’s rule raises royalty rates for oil drilling by more than one-third, to 16.67%. The previous rate of 12.5% had remained unchanged for a century.
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