The massive system brings advanced capabilities for simulation, AI, and data analysis to drive breakthroughs in cancer research, materials discovery, energy technologies, and many other fields.
The new system at the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory achieved more than a quintillion calculations per second.
Increasingly intense heat waves, wildfires, and droughts are forcing costly adaptations.
Ultimately, the company formerly known as Facebook wants the AI Research SuperCluster system to help it develop artificial intelligence to power the metaverse.
Energy giant General Electric will be using one of the world's most powerful supercomputers, IBM's Summit, to run two new research projects that could boost the production of cleaner power.
The latest iteration of the Top500 list puts the Perlmutter supercomputer at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in the spotlight.
Startup Cerebras benchmarked its pint-sized computer against 16,000 Xeon cores in the Department of Energy's Joule supercomputer on a problem of computational fluid dynamics.
Atlas and Fênix, also from Petrobras, are the two largest supercomputers in Latin America.
The 21st century oil and gas industry thrives on hardcore computing power, crunching data derived from seismic testing to find oil deep in the ground and below the sea. Now, an Australian company will fire up a digital behemoth in a data center near the Houston suburb.
Skybox Datacenters has signed a 15-MW lease with a client that will host a supercomputer in its Houston facility. The client expects the system to beat Summit, the US Department of Energy supercomputer that is currently considered the world’s fastest.