The complete paper presents the interpretation of two polymer injectivity tests (PITs) performed in two giant light-oil high-salinity/high-temperature (HS/HT) carbonate reservoirs onshore Abu Dhabi. The detailed data acquired in both tests were used to evaluate both polymer injectivity at representative field conditions and in-depth mobility reduction. The interpretation of the pressure transient analysis (PTA) of the pressure falloffs (PFOs) and the mechanistic 3D simulation models of the two PITs confirmed the generation of polymer banks and demonstrated effective propagation of the polymer into the reservoirs at target concentrations and representative rates of future interwell pilots.
The reservoirs tested in the PITs can be described as heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs divided into upper and lower zones. Upper-zone porosities range between 20 and 30%; permeability ranges from 10 to 1000 md.