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Carlos Alberto Pedroso

Master Completion Engineer Enauta

Carlos Alberto Pedroso, SPE, is a master completion engineer with Enauta, where he oversees well-construction activities for the Atlanta Field. He has worked as a completion engineer in onshore and offshore projects in Brazil, South America, North America, and Africa. Pedroso holds a degree in petroleum engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas and a degree in chemical engineering from Universidade Federal do Paraná. He is the chair of the SPE Brazil section and a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board.

  • The oil and gas industry, notably the completion activity, with its distributed sensors, optical fibers, permanent downhole gauges, sealed-wellbore pressure monitoring, and microseismic, has generated a fantastic amount of data, which has increasingly been properly refined and processed, producing more information—and more oil.
  • Since the beginning, well completion and stimulation strategies have always sought to optimize water management and, extending the concept, management of all fluids produced.