A few years ago, exaggerating a figure of speech, I coined the expression, “We work in a water industry; oil is just a supporting actor.” In fact, producing water is the final destination of every oil field, but obviously the objective was to highlight the importance of water management in the hydrocarbon-production process. Since the beginning, well completion and stimulation strategies have always sought to optimize water management and, extending the concept, management of all fluids produced.
Selective completions in vertical and multilateral wells (combined with sand control or not) and segmentation of horizontal wells are good examples of this effort. These technologies, combined with intelligent completion, have brought very positive results. Intelligent completion in open hole, currently used in the Brazilian presalt, has allowed the reduction of the carbon footprint, so necessary nowadays. The optimal application of intelligent completion is the subject of paper SPE 209965, an excellent compendium of best practices on the topic.
In recent years, driven by technological advances, good results, and the need to increase operational efficiency, we have experienced a major increase in the use of devices for flow equalization and selective fluid production [e.g., inflow control devices, autonomous inflow control devices (AICDs), and autonomous inflow control valves]. A significant reduction in water and gas production has been reported in several technical papers. In fact, this is the most published completion topic in the past 3 years, and many good articles are available.
Apart from new and exciting trends, conventional solutions continue to play their important role. Basic themes long discussed continue to evolve and bring new insights. This is the case with paper SPE 204185, which deals with perforating for fracturing.
Finally, paper SPE 210417 discusses the use of AICD technology in the Singue Field in Ecuador, which resulted in an increase in cumulative oil rate and a decrease in cumulative water.
This Month’s Technical Papers
Autonomous ICDs Optimize Production in Singue Field, Ecuador
Approach Investigates Need for Extreme-Limited-Entry Applications
System-Engineering Recommendations Aim To Improve Intelligent Completions
Recommended Additional Reading
SPE 210205 Successful Autonomous Inflow-Control Device Application To Reduce Water Production in a Heavy Oil Greenfield by Carlos A. Pedroso, Enauta, et al.
SPE 206213 Automated Well Production and Gas Lift System Diagnostics and Optimization Using an Augmented Artificial Intelligence Approach in a Complex Offshore Field by Mahmoud Elwan, Dragon Oil, et al.
OTC 31483 Case Study: How the Newest Generation of Autonomous Inflow Control Devices Helps To Control Excessive Well-Water Production Within a Major Sultanate of Oman Oilfield by Salim Buwauqi, Petroleum Development Oman, et al.

Carlos Alberto Pedroso, SPE, is a master completion engineer with Enauta, where he oversees well-construction activities for the Atlanta Field. He has worked as a completion engineer in onshore and offshore projects in Brazil, South America, North America, and Africa. Pedroso holds a degree in petroleum engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas and a degree in chemical engineering from Universidade Federal do Paraná. He is the chair of the SPE Brazil section and a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board.