Hussein Hoteit photo

Hussein Hoteit

Professor King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Hussein Hoteit, SPE, is a professor of earth science and engineering and chair of the Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. Before joining KAUST in 2016, he worked for approximately 15 years for the oil and gas industry, including at Chevron and ConocoPhillips, where he conducted projects related to chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR), CO2-EOR, steamflooding, and other aspects of EOR. Hoteit’s current research includes chemical EOR, waterflooding optimization, geological CO2 sequestration, underground hydrogen storage, CO2 mineralization in basalt, data-driven modeling, and reservoir simulation development. He has published more than 150 technical papers and has earned several SPE awards. Hoteit was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2009 and earned the A Peer Apart award in 2017. He served as an associate editor for SPE Journal for more than 10 years. Hoteit holds a BS degree in mathematics from the University of Lebanon and MS and PhD degrees in computer science and applied mathematics from the University of Rennes, France.

  • These papers underscore the industry’s shift toward more efficient practices, each contributing a crucial piece to the larger puzzle of EOR.
  • Our industry has consistently demonstrated resilience, adaptivity, and creativity. In the era of industry transition to low-carbon operations, opportunities exist for selective EOR methods to revive and contribute. The selected papers in this feature include examples of innovative approaches for developing efficient EOR schemes and advanced modeling and optimization.