HCl acid stimulation of carbonate production requires the retardation of the HCl-carbonate rock reaction to achieve the optimum balance between total fluid used and the enhancement of well production. The described investigation was done offshore Sarawak using Indiana Limestone cores.
I would like to steer readers’ attention to new technology, advanced modeling, and the interesting topic of fracture hits.
The surge in unconventional completions over the last decade has created ample candidates for hydraulic refracturing, which has been demonstrated to be a viable alternative to the more expensive endeavor of drilling and completing new wells.
One of the key aspects of safety in mature fields is to maintain well integrity, which is associated directly with maximizing well productivity and minimizing risks to personnel and environment.
Sustainable growth in oil and gas production must stem from a combination of new discoveries and optimized recovery from maturing fields. Therefore, development of mature oil fields has been, and will increasingly be, an attractive subject.