Ken Arnold
Worley ParsonsKen Arnold has over 45 years of industry experience in facilities design, project management, and offshore safety. He served 16 years at Shell and founded Paragon Engineering Services in 1980. Arnold is currently senior technical advisor for WorleyParsons and an independent consultant. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2005. Arnold has served on the Board of SPE as vice president of finance and as the first director of Projects, Facilities, and Construction. He is on the editorial board of SPE’s Oil and Gas Facilities magazine. Arnold is coauthor of two textbooks and over 50 technical articles and has twice been chosen as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer. He was named 2003 Houston Engineer of the Year by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers, and received the 2013 Individual Distinguished Achievement Award of the Offshore Technology Conference. Arnold has taught facilities engineering at the University of Houston and is a recipient of the SPE Public Service Award, the SPE DeGoyler Distinguished Service Medal, and the SPE Production and Operations Award.