The combined effect of formation and completion damage is the observed well productivity development with associated skin and productivity index. Completion damage has the potential to affect well productivity to the same degree as formation damage.
One of the frustrating aspects of well-productivity analysis is identifying the causes of lower-than-expected production/injection during initial well lifetime. Our task is to evaluate the multivariate aspects of well design.
Formation damage: Do we always need to have a high focus on its prevention, or do occasions exist when it really does not matter?
Coreflooding is one of the principal tools through which we qualify drilling and completion fluids and assess the potential for formation damage, but is it relevant? By “relevant,” I mean does it give an accurate portrayal of the likely performance of the selected fluids.
One of the challenges for those involved with understanding an unexpected decline in well performance is identifying the exact causes for the reduced productivity. Consideration of all data available can eventually point toward one factor that could explain productivity decline.
Does formation-damage coreflooding give a good representation of damage that occurs downhole? For those of us who are actively involved in coreflooding, this is a common question to be asked.
In order to avoid some of the detrimental effects of formation damage, a key aspect is laboratory testing of representative core material under representative downhole conditions.
Nanotechnology has enormous potential in the oil industry, with numerous applications currently under investigation.