Pallav Sarma
Cofounder and Chief Scientist TachyusPallav Sarma, SPE, is cofounder and chief scientist at Tachyus responsible for the modeling and optimization technologies underlying the Tachyus platform. He is an expert in closed-loop reservoir management, holds multiple patents, and has authored more than 50 papers on various topics, including simulation, optimization, data assimilation, and machine learning. Sarma has more than 12 years of experience working for Chevron and Schlumberger before forming Tachyus. He has received many awards, including the George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award from the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences and Chevron’s Excellence in Reservoir Management award. Sarma holds a PhD degree in petroleum engineering, a PhD minor degree in operations research from Stanford University, and a bachelor of technology degree from the Indian School of Mines. He currently serves on committees for the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference and the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery and on the JPT Editorial Committee.