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Zhiming Chen

Professor of Petroleum Engineering China University of Petroleum-Beijing

Zhiming Chen, SPE, is a professor of petroleum engineering at the China University of Petroleum-Beijing. He holds a BS degree from Yangtze University and MS and PhD degrees from the China University of Petroleum-Beijing. In 2016–17, Chen was a visiting scholar at the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. His interests are well testing, numerical simulation, and CO2 sequestration, focusing on the development of unconventional reservoirs with multistage hydraulic fractures. Chen has authored and co-authored more than 30 technical peer-viewed publications. He is member of the Cedric K. Ferguson Medal Committee, the Reservoir Award Committee, and the 2022 International Petroleum Technology Conference SPE Subcommittee. Chen has served as associate editor for SPE Journal.

  • The integration of AI within the oil and gas industry is rapidly gaining momentum. With ongoing advancements, the future of formation evaluation promises transformative changes, leading to more-efficient and accurate reservoir characterization methodologies.
  • Because natural and hydraulic fractures are generated hundreds of meters underground, their parameters always seem to be a black box. Their influence on pressure propagation and well productivity, however, cannot be overstated. So how well are we doing in fracture evaluation and modeling?