Data & Analytics

Breaking Down Quantum Computing: Implications for Data Science and AI

This article explores the effect of quantum computing on data science and AI, looking at the fundamental concepts of quantum computing and the key terms used in the field. It also covers the challenges that lie ahead for quantum computing and how they can be overcome.

Source: KDnuggets

Quantum computing involves specialized computers that solve mathematical problems and run quantum models that are quantum theory principles. This powerful technology allows data scientists to build models related to complex processes such as molecular formations, photosynthesis, and superconductivity.

Information is processed differently from regular computers, transferring data using qubits (quantum bits) rather than in binary form. Qubits are vital in terms of delivering exponential computational power in quantum computing as they can remain in superposition, explained in the full article.

Using a wide range of algorithms, quantum computers can measure and observe vast amounts of data. The necessary algorithms will be input by the user, and the quantum computer will then create a multidimensional environment that makes sense of the various data points to discover patterns and connections.

Quantum machine learning and quantum artificial intelligence are two underappreciated but fast-growing fields within data science. This is because machine learning algorithms are becoming far too complex for traditional computers and require the capabilities of quantum computing to process them effectively. Eventually, this is expected to lead to major advancements in artificial intelligence.

Quantum computers can effectively be trained in the same way as neural networks, adapting physical control parameters to solve problems, such as the strength of an electromagnetic field or the frequency of laser pulses.

An easy-to-understand use case is a machine learning model that could be trained to classify content within documents, doing so by encoding the document into the physical state of the device so it can be measured. With quantum computing and AI, data science work flows will be measured in milliseconds, as quantum AI models will be able to process petabytes of data and compare documents semantically, providing the user with actionable insights beyond their wildest imagination.

Read the full story here.