SPE News

Celebrating a Legacy: 100 Years of Innovation and 75 Years of JPT at the 2024 ATCE

As SPE celebrates a century of innovation at the 2024 ATCE, we also mark the 75th anniversary of the Journal of Petroleum Technology. These twin milestones stand as a testament to the achievements that have driven our industry forward—innovation, pushing boundaries, setting new standards, and fueling the energy that powers the world.


Are you ready to join us for SPE’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in New Orleans, 23–25 September?

As SPE celebrates a century of innovation at the 2024 ATCE, we also mark the 75th anniversary of the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT).

These twin milestones stand as a testament to the achievements that have driven our field forward—innovation, pushing boundaries, setting new standards, and fueling the energy that powers the world.

Through the highs of technological breakthroughs and the lows of economic challenges, the oil and gas industry—and ATCE and JPT—have continually evolved, proving their resilience and adaptability.

When considering the innovations in our industry, key advancements that often stand out include hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling, deepwater exploration, enhanced oil recovery, digitalization and automation, LNG technology, FPSOs, subsea systems, and decarbonization and emissions mitigation.

However, the incremental steps that collectively contributed to the broadly defined “wow” factors above are equally notable. To mention only a sampling: enhanced drill-bit designs, advancements in onshore and offshore drilling rigs, real-time data collection, development of 4D seismic technology, integration of multiple data types (e.g., seismic, well logs, production data) for more-comprehensive reservoir characterization, materials-science advancements (polymers, nanocoatings), development of blowout preventers, improved leak-detection systems, and advancements in produced-water treatment and recycling technologies.

Less often recognized are the failures that were essential prerequisites for eventual success. The "fail fast, fail often" approach allowed for rapid feedback and necessary adjustments, though it also contributed to the downfall of some startups over the years.

As individuals, embracing failure and viewing it as a stepping stone to success is not always our natural response. Presentations at industry events on "lessons learned" vary in transparency, often influenced by differing definitions of failure, stakeholder sensitivities, and legal considerations.

As a result, many of the hard knocks that paved the way for the industry's "wow" factors remain largely unknown.

ATCE’s theme, “Powering the Future of Energy with a Century of Innovation,” honors the legacy of past breakthroughs while celebrating their ongoing role in shaping a resilient and sustainable future.

Olivier Houzé will be named 2025 SPE President with the official passing of the baton from 2024 President Terry Palisch at ATCE. In this issue of JPT, Houzé shares his insights on the challenges facing our Society and its members in his inaugural vodcast and column, “A Roadmap for a Very Busy Year.”

Visit the SPE Pavilion (Booth 1449) in the exhibition hall for a variety of SPE Pavilion Talks, including the JPT editors on Tuesday, 24 September, at 1:30 p.m. We’ll highlight the milestones of JPT’s coverage over 75 years and their significance for the future.

Visit JPT to learn more about our commemorative features written to date about topics ranging from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Azerbaijan, the HSE journey, data science, artificial lift, and a closer look at the past 25 years of innovations in fracturing, drilling, and reservoir engineering.

New This Year at ATCE

  • Strategic Panels will offer a platform for panelists to discuss the current and future challenges and opportunities facing the energy industry.
  • As an SPE member, you get a complimentary pass to the exhibition hall. If you are not a member yet, you can join now. This pass does not include access to the technical program or conference proceedings. Learn more about the free access pass here.
  • Non-members registered at the full conference rate will receive a post-show email with a complimentary 1-year SPE membership offer. This offer is valid for new members only, and individuals must meet membership qualifications to join.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, ATCE offers an opportunity to connect, learn, and share.

Here's to a century of ingenuity and three-quarters of a century of chronicling the journey!