Fracturing/pressure pumping

Cemented Multientry Fracturing System Proves Effective for Deep Tight Gas Wells

This paper discusses the development of a multientry, multistage fracturing system and its advantages over traditional openhole multistage fracturing solutions.

Cementable ME frac sleeve with LE feature
Cementable ME frac sleeve with LE feature.
Source: IPTC 23680.

A cementable multientry (ME) multistage fracturing (MSF) completion technology with a true 15,000‑psi pressure rating was developed for use in deep tight gas wells. The completion system brings operational and design improvements to MSF methods typically used in these types of wells. The complete paper provides details on the development of the novel system, considering the harsh well conditions, its ME design used for creating multiple fractures across each stage, and its advantages over traditional openhole (OH) MSF solutions.

Cemented ME-MSF Completion System Overview

A conventional OH-MSF completion system includes OH packers, OH anchors, hydraulic fracturing ports, and ball-actuated fracturing ports. The cemented ME-MSF completion system is similar, but no packer or anchor is required because zonal isolation is provided by the cement.

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