The complete paper discusses the systematic approach adopted by a service company to achieve the goal of safely abandoning wells offshore southwest Brazil with different completion types using light workover vessels. Having determined the abandonment methodology, service company personnel developed processes and procedures to reach the objective that included advances in coiled-tubing (CT) rigup procedures and use of a real-time telemetry system.
The use of a CT real-time telemetry system enables accurate setting of a through-tubing inflatable device system (T-TIDS) by monitoring the necessary downhole parameters in real time. The paper presents a case study wherein sensors [such as a casing collar locator (CCL) to perform depth correlation before setting the T-TIDS and placing cement plugs, a pressure sensor to monitor the T-TIDS setting, and a CT internal pressure sensor to help ensure all cement was pumped out of the CT] were used in real time to verify that well barriers were set in place, contributing to successful well abandonment. Real-time data collection proved to be the most-effective methodology for running critical equipment, thereby saving overall time and cost.
General Abandonment Requirements
The decision for permanent abandonment of a well is not always easy.