Coiled tubing

Downhole Tractors Enable Coiled Tubing Perforation in Horizontal Live Gas Wells

This study highlights the strategic implementation of coiled tubing to convey perforating guns in extended-reach wells, overcoming the lockup effect through the deployment of downhole tractors and real-time monitoring tools.

Hybrid electro-optical cable.
Fig. 1—Hybrid electro-optical cable.
Source: SPE 218365.

A comprehensive study was conducted on the strategic use of coiled tubing (CT) to convey over 1,200 ft of perforating guns in single runs in extended-reach wells, effectively overcoming the lockup effect in a 7-in. monobore completion using downhole tractor and real-time monitoring tools. This solution served as the key enabler for the project, reducing risks and maximizing operational efficiency. Compared with tubing-conveyed perforation (TCP), the CT approach exhibited superior efficacy.

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