The complete paper presents the evaluation results of a water-shutoff (WSO) agent based on an emulsion-type chemical material with nanoparticles. The WSO agent, which the authors call an emulsion system with nanoparticles (ESN), has several advantages to existing polymer and gel materials, including high thermal stability, low sensitivity to mineralization, thixotropic characteristics, selectivity of blocking effects for oil and water, and reversibility of blocking effects. In WSO applications, these properties of ESN could be well-suited for improved oil recovery.
ESN is recognized as a proven technology for carbonate reservoirs. However, the reservoir under study did not feature harsh conditions; therefore, this work evaluated ESN potential for carbonate reservoirs in the UAE typically having high-temperature and high-salinity conditions.
A primary purpose of the technology, aside from improved oil recovery, is contributing to greenhouse-gas emission reduction and building competitive low-CO2-intensity oil-brand value.