SPE News

Global Collaboration: SPE UI SC and SPE IFP Schools Deliver 2024 Student Chapter Development Workshop

The Student Chapter Development Workshop aims to foster global collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional growth among young petroleum engineers, focusing on leadership and sustainable development in the energy sector.


Imagine a vibrant community of young, enthusiastic petroleum engineers collaborating between continents inspiring each other to elevate one another to reach their highest potential—this is the essence of the Student Chapter Development Workshop (SCDW).

Recently, SCDW, a work program led by SPE’s University of Indonesia (UI) Student Chapter, collaborated with SPE’s IFP School (France) Student Chapter.

The SCDW is an international event held online with the participation of SPE student chapters worldwide that aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional growth among students. This initiative is driven by the need to provide students with exposure to best practices, innovative ideas, and insights from industry leaders.

Investing in the development of student chapters is an important move toward sustainable progress in the energy transition. By offering students leadership opportunities, resources, and support, these chapters nurture a new generation of changemakers equipped to tackle today’s most pressing challenges and with global connections in an even more united world.

The 2024 SCDW aimed to facilitate knowledge transfer and guidance between various SPE student chapters worldwide on the theme of "Youth Leadership by Empowering Student Chapters for Sustainable Development." It covered SPE's vision for the future, the role of SPE in driving the energy transition, and how students can obtain effective leadership skills. We were thrilled to welcome more than 200 participants from SPE student chapters worldwide, representing 32 student chapters from 19 different countries and seven regions.

Throughout the planning for SCDW we aimed to create engaging discussion session topics that would encourage active participation and enthusiasm from the student chapters. Additionally, we invited speakers who are professionals in the oil and gas industry to share their knowledge and insights with the participants.

2024 SCDW kicked off with opening remarks from one of our esteemed guests, Henricus Herwin, SPE’s Asia Pacific Regional Director, who warmly welcomed us and provided an insightful overview of SPE's growth and initiatives in the Asia Pacific region. Ardian Nengkoda, the founder of SPE UI Student Chapter, shared his pride in how SPE has become a vibrant platform for like-minded individuals to come together, learn, and drive positive change in the industry. This was followed by workshop sessions with professional speakers and group discussion sessions, where representatives from various SPE student chapters shared their thoughts and experiences on specific topics and activities. These sessions were highly interactive, encouraging participants to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions. The event concluded with closing remarks from Pierre Emmanuel d'Huart, SPE’s Europe Regional Director. He expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting how it broadens relationships and enhances knowledge sharing among participants.

The highlight of 2024 SCDW was the workshop session featuring invited speakers Olivier Houzé, 2025 SPE President, and Natan Battisti, SPE Young Professional (YP) Committee Member, TWA Editorial Board Member, and Harbour Energy planning and economic adviser.

Houzé covered the topic of “SPE’s Role in Empowering Future Leaders Leading to Sustainability.” In this insightful session he unveiled how, as part of SPE, we can be involved in the energy transition and help the world reach sustainability by inspiring us to take bold steps and become key players in creating a sustainable future. This topic is particularly relevant for young engineers and geoscientists, as it equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and shape the future of the energy sector.

In the second workshop session, presented by Battisti, he covered the topic “Youth Leadership: Catalysts for Sustainable Development.” This session delved into the purpose and role of students and YPs in reaching sustainability, as well as how SPE has become a vehicle for us to develop our leadership skills.

Building on the success of this year's SCDW, SPE UI Student Chapter is committed to continuously improving and expanding the program. Future plans include exploring new collaboration opportunities with other SPE student chapters and industry partners, incorporating more interactive and hands-on sessions, and utilizing advanced technologies for a more-engaging virtual experience.

Azaliya Shafwah Anindya, deputy director of journalism for SPE UI Student Chapter, is currently a student majoring in chemical engineering. She has a keen interest in the oil and gas industry, aiming to inform and explore sustainable energy solutions.

Shady Haura Fathin, deputy director of external relations for SPE’s UI Student Chapter, is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. To expand her knowledge and interest in the oil and gas industry, she actively explores and is passionate about drilling fluid innovation and green energy by participating in various competitions.