For more than 70 years, the upstream oil and gas industry has relied on Chandler Engineering for the highest quality lab instrumentation. Chandler is proud to help customers improve the efficiency and productivity of their drilling and completion systems.
Our new Friction Flow Loop System is used for testing the effects of friction reducers by circulating fluids at controlled rates through varying pipe diameters. Chandler offers the Model 6500 Flow Loop and the Model 6500-M Mini-Loop™ benchtop unit to measure the friction pressure of fluids as they flow through different pipe geometries. This allows you to optimize your friction reducer loadings and provide rapid quality control results in the lab or on location.
Chandler’s Model 5265 MGSA Mechanical Gel Strength Analyzer (MGSA) measures the development of the cement slurry gel strength at downhole conditions. Accurate cement testing will help to prevent gas migration in your wells. You can now measure gel strength development to ensure the optimum design of cement slurries.
The Model 6500 Flow Loop or Model 6500-M Mini-Loop™ and the Model 5265MGSA are all designed for user friendly operation and maintenance.