This page provides SPE members access to the January 2023 magazine — digital, pdf, and online.
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These are the papers synopsized in JPT this month. They are available to only SPE members through 28 February 2023. There are also links to them at the bottom of each related synopsis.
EOR Modeling
Smart-Water-Based Synergistic Technologies: A Next-Recovery Frontier for Enhanced Oil Recovery
Mature Fields and Well Revitalization
Importance of Three-Way Coupled Modeling for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in a Depleted Reservoir
Well Integrity
Wellbore Integrity Impact on Carbon Leakage to Ensure Safe Geological Sequestration
Scrutinizing Well Integrity for Determining Long-Term Fate of a CO2Sequestration Project: An Improved and Rigorous Risk-Assessment Strategy
The Digitally Transformative U-WISE Software Technology
Digital Data Acquisition
Real-Time Fiber Optics: A Door Opener for the Wellbore Environment.