In the realm of natural gas processing and handling, the integration of new technologies and innovative approaches plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable advancements and value gains. These advancements are crucial for enhancing operational efficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and meeting the increasing global demand for natural gas as a key fuel powering the energy evolution.
Recent research has highlighted the significance of innovative technologies in this field. For instance, paper SPE 216098 presents a case study from the Gulf of Thailand in which emissions were reduced with a breakthrough in lean (extremely low-BTU) gas flare-tip technology.
Additionally, paper SPE 216883 explores the application of the annular injection mixer concept for use in the evaporation of heavy hydrocarbon in a natural gas stream within a short distance. This technology of evaporating heavy hydrocarbons in liquefied petroleum gas streams offers significant cost benefits for plant development because it could prevent the installation of an evaporator and increase the market value of the product.
Finally, paper SPE 214974 describes a new chemical-free process that has been developed with a small carbon footprint to capture exhaust from natural gas drive compressors (reducing emissions) and support gas-fueled production equipment. The novel technology presented incorporates practical solutions for operators to reduce their greenhouse-gas Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions while maintaining their preferred natural gas fuel source at their midstream, transport, and production sites.
These highlighted papers are merely a sampling of a larger theme of how the integration of new technologies and innovative approaches is paramount for driving value gains in natural gas processing and handling. Such advancements will play a crucial role in improving efficiency, reducing methane emissions, improving safety standards, and ensuring the sustainability of the natural gas sector in the future.
This Month’s Technical Papers
Lean Gas-Flare-Tip Technology Reduces Emissions in the Gulf of Thailand
Annular Injection Mixer Approach Improves Evaporation of Heavy Hydrocarbons
Process Reduces Carbon Emissions From Natural Gas Compression and Production
Recommended Additional Reading
SPE 215386 Low-Cost Approach To Significantly Reduce Operational Cost and Improve Facility Reliability in Banyu Urip Acid Gas Removal Unit by Vicky Wijaya, ExxonMobil, et al.
SPE 215113 Underground Gas Storage Capacity Estimation Considering Water Evaporation and Salt Precipitation in Depleted Gas Reservoirs: Method and Case Study in W23 UGS by Youwei He, Southwest Petroleum University, et al.
IPTC 22799 Success Story of the Development of Extremely Low-BTU Flare-Tip Technologyby Boonyakorn Assavanives, PTTEP, et al.

Anand Nagoo, SPE, is president of Nagoo and Associates, where he consults on oil and natural gas production, facilities, and artificial lift projects worldwide. He has 26 years of research and industry experience in various reservoir and production engineering roles and currently serves as a lecturer at the University of Houston. Nagoo has served as associate editor for SPE Production & Operations and as an advisory member for SPE’s Production and Facilities discipline. He holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of the West Indies, MS degrees in petroleum and natural gas engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and Stanford University, and a PhD degree in chemical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin.