2023 Spotlight Winners
(listed alphabetically by company)
Baker Hughes
REACH Wireline-Retrievable Safety Valve
The REACH wireline-retrievable safety valve from Baker Hughes provides the industry’s first and only solution to bring ultradeepwater wells with failed tubing-retrievable safety valves back online faster, safer, and more economically than a deepwater workover.

Framo AS
Framo Submerged Turbine
Framo’s submerged turbine enables generation of electric power from wastewater dumped overboard, increasing the operational efficiency. Operators can save up to 30% power on cooling systems. It reduces the carbon footprint and enables increased gas export. Submerged turbines are installed on new, or retrofitted on existing, facilities.

Hägglunds, a Brand of Bosch Rexroth
Atom—The Most Powerful Gearless Direct Drive
The Hägglunds Atom is the world’s most compact powerful gearless drive that can be used to convert electric energy or diesel power to rotary motion. Due to its compact size, efficiency, safety, and reliability, the Atom has been quickly adopted in field applications achieving TRL 6.

OSIRenewables, an Oil States Enterprise
FTLP Floating Wind Platform
The FTLP Floating Wind Platform (or “Fixed TLP”) developed under Oil States’ OSIRenewables brand is a game-changing approach offering the benefits of a highly stable fixed platform structure to the floating wind market with substantially reduced cost and streamlined installation capability compared to traditional floating wind platforms.

OSIRenewables, an Oil States Enterprise
Oil States Active Seat Gate Valve
Oil States Active Seat Gate Valve provides game-changing sealing performance in the field. It dramatically reduces the amount of heavy grease required during operations by hundreds of pounds per well, which significantly reduces grease disposal upon completion. Personnel intervention at the wellhead is cut substantially also, boosting safety and efficiency.

Saipem, producer of FlatFish, a technology originated by Shell Brasil in cooperation with Senai Cimatec, is the state-of-the-art underwater drone technology delivering advanced inspection and surveillance services from shallow to deep waters. Engineered between Italy and Brazil by Sonsub, Saipem’s center of excellence for subsea technology, it has recently completed a deepwater pilot project demonstrating its main capabilities and performances and is now ready for commercialization.

SLB and Equinor
Epilogue Dual-String Barrier Evaluation
Epilogue Dual-String Barrier Evaluation revolutionizes well decommissioning by evaluating barrier integrity behind multiple casings without pulling the inner tubing. By enabling a fully rigless P&A solution, this industry-first technology drives operational efficiency, minimizes costs, and reduces emissions. Beyond P&A, it helps plan well sidetracks, improves production, and optimizes CCS projects.

Teledyne Marine
3-Channel Vertical Optical Feedthrough System
The Teledyne 3-Channel Optical Feedthrough System is designed for use at a maximum operating pressure of 10,000 psi and temperature of 250°F. The connector set can be mated at speeds up to a half a meter per second and is designed to operate continuously for 25 years.

Small Business Award Recipients
CARBOTRACE technology overcomes the limitations of current technology by providing a cost-effective production surveillance solution for multistage fractured completions. Deployed with various proppants, CARBOTRACE offers a quantitative analysis of the percent contribution of each frac stage’s oil, water, and gas phases. CARBOTRACE enables quick decision-making based on reliable production data.

Deformation and Eccentricity Tool (DEC)
GOWell’s unique DEC tool measures casing deformation behind tubing. The DEC generates a magnetic field and measures magnetic flux density distributions azimuthally, delivering reliable outputs of casing ovality and the tubing eccentricity in the casing. The technology is combinable with other GOWell services to provide cost-effective monitoring solutions for operators.

Oliden Technology
TerraFusion Azimuthal Gamma Ray, Annular Pressure, and Ultrasonic Imaging LWD Tool
TerraFusion is the latest-generation LWD all-mud imaging tool. It offers 16-sector gamma ray, APWD (annular pressure while drilling), and 128-sector high-resolution ultrasonic borehole standoff and formation imaging capability integrated in a short collar. TerraFusion provides comprehensive insights into borehole geology, geomechanics and completion, and improves drilling efficiency and well placement precisions in real-time applications.

Opla Energy
OplaSmart Software
OplaSmart is an advanced cloud-based software designed to improve managed-pressure drilling with machine learning, digital twin engineering, and IoT. The software collects data from multiple locations and uses it to train an artificial neural network for pressure profiles. With its powerful capabilities, OplaSmart is an essential tool for modern drilling operations.

Opla Energy
PMD, Pressure Management Device
PMD is an innovative rig-integrated MPD technology that harnesses machine learning, artificial intelligence, and IoT to facilitate drilling operations. It emphasizes optimizing and improving performance drilling, reducing man-hours, equipment footprint, transportation costs, and emissions. PMD is powered by PMDSmart software and is remotely controlled, making it the first IoT MPD system.

The DBB-SAVER technology is designed to create, maintain, monitor, and control a vacuum between two valves (or between two seats inside a single valve) thereby making any leakage of liquids or gas towards the safe work area impossible. Make planned maintenance, inspection, or emergency work safer than ever before.

Well Resolutions Technology
GeoTracker At-Bit Propagation Resistivity
GeoTracker, the world’s first at-bit propagation resistivity technology, provides propagation resistivity measurements only a few inches behind the bit. Its ability to work in any type of drilling fluids including oil-base muds plus its azimuthal resolution capability promotes game changes to geosteering and well placement operations.

OTC will take place 1–4 May in Houston. Review the conference’s Schedule of Events, Technical Program, and the OTC Energy Transition Pavilion.