SPE News

SPE Launches New Offshore Completions Technical Section

The Offshore Completions Technical Section is for professionals and academia who are active, or have a deep interest, in offshore completions.

Offshore oil and gas platform in the North Sea.
Source: Igors Aleksejevs/Getty Images/iStockphoto.

SPE has established a new technical section: the Offshore Completions Technical Section (OCTS).

The OCTS is for technical professionals and academia who are active, or have a deep interest, in offshore completions and promotes the capability development related to offshore completions including sand control, hydraulic fracturing, delivery systems such as crossover tools, fluids, wellwork access, and optimization through online events, online networking, workshops, and conferences. It also promotes sustainability and mitigation of the environmental impact of offshore completions in pursuit of operational excellence.

The OCTS encourages SPE global outreach and diversity, with emphasis on recognition of professionals in offshore completions and their contribution to the completions community. It also promotes the transfer of knowledge and best practices through meetings, events, communications, articles in JPT, TWA, and other SPE publications, technical papers/presentations, and SPE Connect.

You can join here. Simply check the box next to "offshore completions" and click save at the bottom of the page. You can join other technical sections as well.

SPE members can learn more about the Offshore Completions Technical Section here.