SPE News

SPE Live Broadcasts Recognized With Regional and International Awards

SPE recently received two awards recognizing the successful launch of SPE Live during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) recently received two awards recognizing the successful launch of SPE Live during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SPE received the highest-bestowed honor from the Viddy Awards, one of the largest, most-respected programs in the global video industry. The Society was recognized as a Platinum Winner for Team Achievement in launching the SPE Live program. Only the top 16% of the 2,500 entries submitted won this distinction.

SPE Live also won a Crystal Award for Best Interactive/Multimedia Presentation. The American Marketing Association (AMA) Houston Chapter, one of the largest AMA chapters in the US, administers this awards program. Recognized among 150 finalists, SPE received its award during their Gala on 19 May 2022.

SPE Live began as an interim solution to educate and engage members when the world shut down due to COVID-19. Staff leveraged SPE’s large LinkedIn audience and solicited advice from SPE Board members and volunteers on potential topics.

After only 2 weeks of brainstorming and planning, SPE Live launched on 7 April 2020. From that successful launch, SPE staff quickly began producing future episodes, delivering 80 live broadcasts in its first year.

Due to its success, SPE leadership saw the opportunity to fast-track other virtual products and, in 2021, created a new staff unit—Virtual Programs. In January 2022, SPE Energy Stream was launched, a platform that centralizes live and on-demand video content.

SPE Live continues to grow and evolve and has become a mainstay product to engage SPE’s global membership and social network.