Operators in the Neuquén Basin have developed Vaca Muerta with different results. In the case of the operator whose work is featured in the complete paper, vertical exploratory wells almost 10 years ago have given way to a current development phase with multihorizontal well pads targeting different landings. The authors discuss how the operator has become more efficient and cost-effective by increasing production and reducing well-delivery-cycle time, while fostering the long-term sustainability of the project by reducing the environmental impact of operations.
Evolution of Field Completions
The authors focus on the operator’s Field A, where the most progress has been made over the years. The exploratory and appraisal phases of the development are detailed in the complete paper.
Pilot Phase. The primary goal for this phase was to validate the productivity of two previously identified landing zones, namely Zones B and D. The wells were located near the vertical wells.
Completion. The campaign program accounted for 12 drilled horizontal wells, only 10 of which were completed (two wells were lost because of drilling and casing-integrity issues). Well lateral length ranged between 1000 and 1500 m.