Total is increasing its stake in the US Gulf of Mexico after buying shares of promising prospects from Chevron.
Sensor systems for pipeline inspections from Ingu and Rheidiant are among the initial selections to receive funding under Chevron’s CTV Catalyst Program.
Shale explorers in Argentina are reporting that improving performance and activity is set to rise this year to boost the country’s gas production.
A panel of executives, project managers, and government regulators involved with the Mad Dog project in the US Gulf of Mexico discuss the importance of collaboration and strategic alignment in project development.
Short-cycle projects allow owners and operators to stay financially stable while preserving the production infrastructure and capacities needed to expand quickly when oil prices improve.
Much of the new technology development occurring now is aimed at finding better ways to sever the thick, tough steel structures and wellheads so that they can be removed.
A destructive run of three hurricanes has been a catalyst for a flurry of innovations in decommissioning shallow-water wells in the US Gulf of Mexico.
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