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Why do 80% of megaprojects in the oil industry fail? A recently published book reaches a counterintuitive conclusion on the leadership traits required to run complex projects successfully.
Application of hierarchy theory helps in understanding complexity and is a tool that you should have in your engineering and management toolboxes.
In this column, Howard Duhon examines different types of complexity theory.
Reducing the complexity and controlling the cost of major offshore projects are together one of the biggest challenges facing the oil and gas industry.
As it has since 1969, the world came to OTC to make critical decisions, share ideas, and develop business partnerships to meet global energy demands.
To survive in the current low-price environment, exploration and production (E&P) companies must better handle the complexities inherent in their projects through practices that promote capital effectiveness and collaboration.
The failure rate for megaprojects is often blamed on complexity. A dinner during ATCE asked whether there is a limit to the degree of complexity we are capable of effectively managing.
The author muses on oil supply and demand and complexity in projects.
Given the inherent differences in projects, the author discusses how can standardization be used to avoid creating each one from scratch, and what the benefits of standardizing might be for the industry.
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