Environmental Protection Agency
The agency said it wants to modernize the rules and expand the potential uses for produced water.
The new look at the plan involves considerations for national security.
This article explores three key themes for the oil and gas sector: the evolution of methane regulation at the state and federal levels, a preliminary forecast of why and how methane regulation will continue, and practical ways the oil and gas sector can prepare for enhanced enforcement scrutiny.
The funding, aimed to help small operators, builds on nearly 100 cross-government actions designed to sharply reduce methane pollution.
Wood Mackenzie analysis projects a full repeal of the Inflation Reduction Act is unlikely, while industry proponents urge permitting overhaul and loosening of burdensome regulations.
The rule, part of the Inflation Reduction Act established by Congress, allows the Environmental Protection Agency to charge large emitters of methane if they surpass specific levels.
The Environmental Protection Agency rules govern industry emissions of methane and mercury.
With shaky state funding and the EPA hamstrung by the Supreme Court, New Mexico could face a future with reduced protections.
The settlement to reduce emissions in North Dakota includes the largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and is expected to result in the reduction of more than 2.3 million tons of pollution.
Applications are open for the funding, which comes from the Inflation Reduction Act, for projects that help monitor, measure, quantify, and reduce methane emissions.
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