How do you make new money from old offshore fields? The choice between investing in older assets or decommissioning them depends on oil and gas prices, the ingenuity of technical people, and the willingness of a company’s executives to hold on to older assets.
It has often been considered risky to use heavy drillships in depths below 2,000 ft. However, a good measure of innovation and market timing has recently proved otherwise.
This paper provides a comprehensive study for offshore carbon-dioxide (CO2) storage projects, identifying critical elements for estimation, injection, containment, and monitoring of CO2 plumes.
Researchers from the Offshore Robotics for Certification of Assets Hub teamed with EDF Renewables to use a modified remotely operated vehicle to conduct what they say is the first autonomous underwater inspection of wind farm foundations.
The Barents Sea is the gift that keeps on giving for Equnior which has made its 10th sizeable discovery within the same license area.
A new report shows that the tight offshore rig market is even tighter than most estimates reflect. This offers relief to battered drilling contractors which are now demanding higher dayrates.
Their model’s predictions should help researchers improve ocean climate simulations and hone the design of offshore structures.
As climate change threatens reefs with bleaching, Danish energy company Ørsted is looking at growing noninvasive coral on offshore wind turbine foundations.
Venus well could prove 2 billion-barrel find.
The newbuild vessel will be used in partnership with Kirby Offshore Wind on the Empire wind farm off New York.