The traditional method of inspecting tanks puts workers in danger. Using robots instead can keep workers out of harm’s way.
Chevron looks into using remotely operated vehicles to scrub marine growth from subsea structures.
Geo Oceans has achieved class sign off for the world’s first entirely robotic FPSO cargo oil tank special survey.
Using autonomous systems creates efficiencies, but, even more critically, it also allows engineers to be engineers.
The partnership aims to use artificial intelligence and advanced robotics to accelerate the adoption of technologies for predictive maintenance.
As part of a 10-day inspection campaign, the companies inspected subsea trees and other infrastructure at the Alvheim field on the Norwegian continental shelf.
The Unmanned Technical Section has updated its name to the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Technical Section.
The two newest crew members of the Pazflor floating production, storage, and offloading unit are a pair of robots capable of inspecting 1,700 different points of interest.
The robot company said it plans to integrate 3D at Depth’s LiDAR inspection technology after the all-stock acquisition.
A recently signed contract lines the company up to provide autonomous ocean robots for inspection of the oil giant’s subsea field developments in the Gulf of Mexico.
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