shale gas
Oil giant looks to shed Canadian tight-oil assets as it moves to wrap up merger with rival Hess.
Bakken oil production surprised on the upside showing it can grow, but an encore is not expected this year.
The “Western Haynesville” boasts big gas IPs with potential running room.
The deal will quadruple Tokyo Gas' natural gas production volumes from the Haynesville Shale.
This paper focuses on characterization of fracture hits in the Eagle Ford, methods to predict their effects on production, and mitigation techniques.
This paper proposes a data-driven proxy model to effectively forecast the production of horizontal wells with complex fracture networks in shales.
The demand for natural gas remains unabated and with it the need to further develop and disseminate gas-production-related expertise. A few of the common themes that emerge from recent SPE publications are elaborated upon here.
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This paper describes natural fractures and their effect on hydrocarbon productivity in the Vaca Muerta shale formation.
A pair of innovative field development strategies are helping tame the wild, wild Permian Basin.