volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in crude oil can be released to the atmosphere from storage tanks, waste waters, and equipment leaks. A pilot-scale sequential biotrickling/biofiltration unit was designed and tested for removal of VOCs from a wastewater sump.
The US EPA’s 2016 New Source Performance Standards updated the 2012 standards by adding requirements for the industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, specifically methane. The 2016 NSPS also covers hydraulically fractured oil wells and production, processing, transmission and storage activities.
Optical gas-imaging is effective for visual identification of volatile organic compound (VOC) leaks. But it doesn't currently quantify the leak rate as required by regulations. This paper discusses work aimed at adding that quantification.
Emissions are in the air and in the headlines every day. With growing regulations around all types of air emissions, are there ways that industry can deploy technologies cost-effectively in the current environment?