Discovery yields the largest hydrocarbon column to date in the Dussafu Marin license offshore Gabon.
Technology and partnerships play a pivotal role in how the oil industry finds and produces energy from frontier regions and brownfields, both now and in the future.
Kuwait Petroleum’s managing director of planning and finance said that more investment will be needed to keep Kuwait’s mature oil fields flowing while production is brought on stream.
Equinor issued a letter of intent to Odfjell Drilling and its semisubmersible rig Deepsea Aberdeen for the drilling of 15 wells for the Breidablikk Group, which recently submitted the plan for development and operation. Drilling is scheduled to start in spring 2022 with the campaign estimated to last through autumn 2024.
A recent round of funding which raised $18 million positioned ReconAfrica to proceed with drilling and seismic programs for the Kavango basin in Namibia, said CEO Scot Evans.
Total resigned its operator role for five exploration blocks located in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, 120 km offshore Brazil.
CGG began a multiclient 3D survey in the Northern North Sea to provide a second azimuth over its existing Northern Viking Graben (NVG) multiclient 3D survey and extend into open acreage on offer in the UK 32nd License Round.
Apache and Total said the Noble Sam Croft drillship gathered reservoir and other technical data in the upper cretaceous-aged Santonian intervals since its 29 July discovery.
Barron Petroleum drilled a new discovery well in Val Verde County, Texas, finding an estimated 417 Bcf (74.2 million bbl) in oil and gas reserves.
Unlike shale, deepwater plays—which are highly front-loaded investments with long project cycles—will be least affected by the current round of severe investment reductions. Large offshore plays in safer regions have become essential elements of the core business of large oil and gas players.
DTEK Oil & Gas this year will conduct a large-scale seismic survey using green technology on a gas-and-condensate field in Ukraine.
The national oil company’s remote northern region has delivered a pair of greenfields that await further drilling before a reserves estimate can be made.
Seeking to become an energy producer, the Middle Eastern country is exploring for natural gas in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.