Geothermal energy
The companies have announced they will work together to integrate geothermal well engineering and project delivery globally.
Closed-loop geothermal systems have entered the new-energy arena to generate electricity using the underground as a heat exchanger.
The companies said they plan to work together on developing geopressured geothermal systems for low-carbon energy storage and geothermal power generation.
Oil and gas are not the only things in the ground that can power our lives. Heat in the form of geothermal energy is rapidly taking its place alongside other sources of renewable energy, buoyed by the lessons learned from decades of drilling for oil.
Geothermal power offers enormous potential—an inexhaustible supply heat to drive huge electric plants around the clock—but that extreme heat can quickly kill conventional hardware, which led to something new.
A Canadian research organization believes the country’s oilfield technology could help another energy sector drive down its costs and it may work out for heavy oil producers too.
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