Robotics/unmanned systems
This paper presents the application of a new automatic geosteering method that combines probabilistic interpretation with artificial intelligence for look-ahead decision-making, representing an innovative advancement in automated geosteering frameworks.
The planned use of an uncrewed surface vessel to inspect shallow-water infrastructure for Petrobras follows a previous remote operation survey for the operator.
Underwater robots that can predict waves in real time could reduce the cost of producing offshore renewable energy, a study suggests.
Rovco’s stereo camera technology system sends images and 3D models of assets from the seabed to computer browsers in any location, offering users instantaneous access to information during inspection or construction.
The digital transformation is a risky proposition for oil and gas companies adapting to a rapidly changing business environment, but a failure to adapt could spell trouble for the industry.
The seismic sensors will be dropped by six autonomous aerial drones and later be retrieved by an unmanned ground vehicle instead of conventional manual deployment and recovery by ground-based teams.
Sensors, robots, and artificial intelligence have made their way into a number of areas within the industry, including pipeline inspections. Shell has begun to examine the innovative technologies that could shift the inspection paradigm.
The objective of this paper is to find a safer and more-efficient method for performing inspections on jack-up legs and inside tanks.
Unmanned aerial vehicles are creeping up on ubiquity in the oil and gas industry, but their potential still firmly outweighs the actuality. A panel at the 2019 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition took a close look at the benefits of drones and at the tethers still holding back their use.
The controller from Olis will be distributed and supported by iCsys and is expected to increase efficiency and decease costs.
The $43-million deal with Saipem will utilize a wireless underwater intervention drone and an ROV for intervention work on the Njord field in the Norwegian North Sea. Equinor said the contract is the first ever from an operator for advanced wireless drone services.
Subsea advancements in the works include longer tiebacks, an underwater drone that lives on the seafloor, and a robotic manifold capable of actuating dozens of valves. Do these new capabilities, born of necessity, signal a sea change in industrywide technology development?
The pilot used sensor technology originally deployed by NASA for the Mars Curiosity Rover to collect methane emissions data live-streamed from a drone. BP said it plans to deploy the technology to all of its North Sea assets, including ETAP and Glen Lyon, in 2020.