SPE News

TWA Names 2024 Energy Influencers

Congratulations to the TWA Energy Influencers! These outstanding young professionals are being celebrated for their work discovering, innovating, and sharing their knowledge, positively influencing and inspiring others.

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Engineering is a profession of lifelong learning. From its inception in Titusville in 1859 to the dawn of modern hydraulic fracturing in the Barnett Shale in the 2000s, the industry has already undergone myriad transformations. The ever-changing landscape of the energy sector itself, the needs and demands of the global population, and the rapid pace of tech innovation and its adoption to serve the needs of energy discovery, generation, transportation, and consumption ensure that its nature will remain protean.

SPE’s The Way Ahead (TWA) encourages and enables young professionals in the industry to embrace this by providing a forum for both sharing and consuming knowledge from a wide array of industry topics.

Each year, we also strive to find and identify fellow SPE young professionals, who, through their efforts and ingenuity, are notable drivers in the innovation of technologies and their applications to problems both old and new, increasing efficiency, safety, and sustainability, pushing the industry to its next, unrealized incarnation.

This year we recognize 10 young professionals from various facets of the industry and across the globe for the work they have done discovering, innovating, and sharing their knowledge to great effect.

Please join me in congratulating the 2024 TWA Energy Influencers!

-James Blaney, deputy editor in chief, The Way Ahead

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Michael Aku
Artificial Intelligence Researcher, University College London

Michael Aku is an artificial intelligence (AI) researcher for University College London where he focuses on applying AI and driving innovative solutions to the energy industry. His research is helping to solve complex challenges in these industries, pushing the boundaries of AI technology. Prior to this role, he was the digitization lead at CypherCrescent, where he led initiatives to integrate digital solutions and data analytics within the energy sector. He helped advance digital oilfield project and led a technical team within a consortium that included global leaders such as Huawei and Emerson.

In addition to his work in energy, Michael played a key role in diversifying CypherCrescent’s offerings by championing digital innovation in Nigeria’s non-energy sectors, positioning the company as a leader in corporate digital transformation.

He is also a member of the Sargent Centre, a consortium between Imperial College and UCL dedicated to advancing chemical process innovation through machine learning and AI, enabling him to contribute to advancements in technology and chemical engineering.

A dedicated SPE volunteer, he has participated in many initiatives including organizing and coordinating an Africa-wide Datathon competition, facilitating data analytics training for more than 300 young professionals in SPE’s Port Harcourt Student Chapter and a machine learning course at SPE NAICE.

Aku is the recipient of the 2023 SPE African Regional Data Science and Engineering Analytics Award and was featured in SPE’s "Young Professional Changing Industry" for his leadership in driving digital transformation within the energy sector through various initiatives such as keynote speaking, serving as a panelist, and training over 300 professionals on data analytics.

He also mentors startups through the Founders Institute (FI) and the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), helping entrepreneurs develop innovative, scalable business models. His guidance fosters the growth of tech-driven ventures across various industries, driving scalability, competitiveness, and long-term success.

He is married to Affiong Aku, a software/ML engineer, and they have a son. His family is a source of inspiration, motivating him to leverage AI and data science for meaningful impact, especially in Africa. Through his work, he is committed to fostering collaborations between industry and academia, advancing AI-driven solutions that support economic growth, healthcare, and sustainability across the continent.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology and a master’s degree in petroleum engineering from IFP School.

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Mohamad Yousef Alklih
Senior Reservoir Simulation Engineer, ADNOC Onshore

Mohamad Yousef Alkih is a senior reservoir simulation engineer at ADNOC Onshore with a focus on oil assets maturation through CO2-EOR and a keen interest in energy transition and sustainability initiatives. He has authored and coauthored more than 25 publications in journals and conference proceedings.

He is a graduate of leadership programs including the 2022 Emerging Leaders Alliance, 2020 ADNOC Target Leadership Program, and 2012 Young Future Energy Leaders by Masdar Institute. He is the 2023-2024 SPE Young Professionals Committee Chair and has served the SPE Abu Dhabi local section under different roles.

Alkih is the recipient of the 2024 SPE Middle East and North Africa Regional Public Service Award, 2021 Middle East and North Africa Regional Young Professional Outstanding Service Award, and 2018 SPE Middle East Regional Service Award.

An SPE member since 2010, he has volunteered in SPE activities including the Virtual Career Pathways, ATCE 2024 Youth Program, ADIPEC Universities Program, 2022 Middle East and North Africa YP Beyond the Borders program, Energy4me, PetroBowl, and moderated several international and local paper contests and coordinated knowledge dissemination through organizing technical sessions.

He holds a master’s degree with honors and a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from The Khalifa University Petroleum Institute.


Abdulrahman Alowaid
Petroleum Engineer, Saudi Aramco

Abdulrahman Alowaid is a petroleum engineer working in unconventional resources within Saudi Aramco. Since joining Saudi Aramco in 2018, he has held roles including production engineer, well completion engineer, wellsite operations foreman, and reservoir engineer. He is also a member of Saudi Aramco’s Young Leaders Advisory Board.

He is passionate about technical writing and publications, having published several contributions within his area of expertise relating to diverse technical themes within unconventional hydrocarbon resources such as stimulation diagnostics, operations, reservoir engineering, and well testing.

Additionally, Alowaid actively takes part in multiple technical review committees and has chaired sessions at technical conferences.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering and a master’s degree in unconventional hydrocarbon resources, both from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). He is an MBA candidate at SDA Bocconi School of Management. He holds professional certifications including SPE’s Petroleum Engineering Certification and IPM’s Project Management Professional (PMP).

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Nihal Darraj
CCS Researcher, Imperial College London

Nihal Darraj is a carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) researcher at Imperial College London, where she is part of the Shell digital rock project. In addition to her research role, she works as a CCS analyst at the Global CCS Institute.

Darraj has a strong background in leadership within the energy sector, having chaired the SPE Young Members Engagement Committee and cofounded the SPE Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee, which she also previously chaired for 3 years.

She was the recipient of the 2022 SPE Giovanni Paccaloni Young Professional Service Award and the 2018 Middle East Regional Service Award. He was also selected for the 2017 Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference. Darraj was selected by the US Department of State in 2019 as an emerging leader in the STEM field. She also actively fosters inclusivity and diversity in science and engineering, serving on the D&I committee of InterPore, a global organization focused on porous media research.

Darraj served as part of the group of experts on carbon neutrality for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. In this capacity, she was the lead author of a technology brief on carbon neutrality in energy-intensive industries that was launched at COP27.

She holds an MSc from Imperial College London in petroleum engineering and a bachelor's degree from Alexandria University in natural gas and petroleum engineering. Darraj is currently in the final year of her PhD program.

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Rostyslav Dolog
Senior Lab Scientist, Aramco Americas

Rostyslav Dolog is a senior lab scientist at Aramco Americas, where he is developing next-generation technologies aimed at revolutionizing sustainable and efficient drilling. His expertise spans a wide range of critical areas, including drilling technologies, well completions, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), hydrogen applications, elastomers, composite materials, flow assurance, and production optimization technologies.

An SPE member since 2014, he currently serves on two committees at SPE Offshore Technology Conference (OTC): the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) committee, and the newly established Young Professional Events Committee.

Dolog holds 14 granted US patents and more than 15 additional pending patent applications in the US and abroad. Throughout his career, he has coauthored over 20 publications and presentations at national meetings. He is the recipient of the 2019 Baker Hughes Early Career Award and the OTC Emerging Leaders Class of 2023 Award.

He holds bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and finance from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, and a PhD in polymer engineering from The University of Akron.


Ina Hadziavdic
Business Development Engineer, Stimstixx Technologies Inc.

Ina Hadziavdic is a business development engineer at Stimstixx Technologies Inc. She held several positions within the SPE Vienna Basin Section including Student Liaison, Section Chair, and Distinguished Lecturer Program Officer. She received the 2022 SPE South, Central, and East Europe Regional Young Professional Service Award. As a resilience trainer, she empowers professionals and young engineers to excel under pressure through tailored programs and workshops. Her commitment to personal and professional growth is evident in her practical approach to managing stress and overcoming adversity.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Zagreb and a master’s degree in reservoir engineering from Montanuniversität Leoben.


Ravana Karimova
Completion and Intervention Engineer, BP Azerbaijan

Ravana Karimova is a completion and intervention engineer at BP Azerbaijan, with a deep-rooted passion for both geology and engineering. After spending 2.5 years in geology following her recruitment by BP, she transitioned into engineering in well operations where she specializes in the planning and execution of completion and intervention designs.

In addition to her technical role, she is the co-lead of BP Azerbaijan’s Women in Wells initiative, where she drives efforts to promote inclusion, diversity, and equity within the company. She organizes interactive workshops, sessions, and activities that foster a more inclusive workplace, empowering women in the energy sector.

An SPE member since she was a student, she was the recipient of the SPE Star Scholarship. She regularly delivers lectures on geology and engineering. She also led SPE Azerbaijan Section’s Young Talents Program where she mentored students and introduced them to earth sciences.

With numerous publications and conference presentations to her credit, she remains an active contributor to the technical and professional development of the industry.

Karimova holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy and a master’s degree in petroleum geology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

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Debora Martogi
Geotechnical Engineer, Geosyntec Consultants

Debora Martogi is a geotechnical engineer with the geohazard team at Geosyntec Consultants, specializing in geohazard monitoring and mitigation for midstream operators across North America. In her role, she works with the geohazard engineering team to monitor and mitigate risks associated with pipelines and facilities in regions or areas prone to geohazards (e.g., landslides, subsidence, sinkholes, earthquakes, settlements, scouring, etc.). One of her major roles in the team is expanding the group's data management and automation capability by developing automation and customized visualization programming scripts that would allow for more efficient and consistent management of real-time sensors installed in the field and timely hazard assessment and evaluation.

She joined SPE while completing her graduate studies at Texas A&M University (TAMU), where she was the technical editor for The Well Logs, a student-founded and -run publication. She also served as the conference director and launched the Technical Exhibition and Networking Event (TENE) and Shell Industry Academia event during the final year of her PhD study.

At the professional level, she has served the SPE Gulf Coast Section in several roles and is currently the section’s secretary. She is the recipient of the Aggie Core Values Award from the TAMU Association of Former Students, Best Paper Award from the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), 2021 SPE International Student Paper Contest Winner for PhD Division, SPE-GCS Exemplary Volunteer Awardee, and SPE-GCS Chairman’s Awardee. She has also published and coauthored numerous peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings.

She holds PhD in petroleum engineering and MSc in geotechnical engineering degrees from Texas A&M University, and a BSc in structural engineering from North Carolina State University.

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Rohit Sharma
Flow Assurance Engineer, Wood India Engineering & Projects Private Ltd.

Rohit Sharma is a flow assurance engineer at Wood India Engineering & Projects Private Ltd., Chennai, India. He is a former assistant professor in the department of petroleum engineering and earth sciences, UPES, Dehradun. He has published several research publications and patents in the domain of flow assurance focusing on wax deposition, asphaltene deposition, and gas hydrates.

During his time at UPES, he also served as the co-faculty advisor of the UPES SPE Student Chapter. He served as a section officer in the role of communications and outreach chairperson of SPE North India Section. At UPES, he received five research grants for projects on conventional oil and gas development projects, under which he trained several M.Tech and B.Tech students in experimental and simulation studies.

He is the recipient of the 2020 Inder Mohan Thapar Foundation Research Award for best research publication in petroleum engineering, awarded by Karam Chand Thapar Group and IIT (ISM), Dhanbad. He is the winner of the case study competition organized by SLB at the SPE Sub Regional Meet 2014 at MIT Pune India.

Sharma holds B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in petroleum engineering from Pandit Deendayal Energy University and IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, respectively, and a PhD in petroleum engineering and chemical engineering from IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, and Curtin University, Australia.

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Fengyuan Zhang
Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum—Beijing

Fengyuan Zhang is an associate professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering at China University of Petroleum, Beijing (CUPB). Zhang’s research focus is on the development and application of analytical and numerical methods and enhancing fundamental understanding aimed at developing solutions, with a particular emphasis on applications to enhanced oil recovery, development of unconventional oil and gas resources, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).

He serves as an executive editor for SPE Journal and previously as an associate editor for SPE Production & Operations and Springer’s Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. He also serves as guest editor for Elsevier’s Applied Energy.

Zhang serves as a subcommittee member and session chair for SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2025 Offshore Technology Conference, and 2024 Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. He is the recipient of the 2024 SPE Northern Asia Pacific Regional Production & Operations Award, 2023 Outstanding Associate Editor for SPE Productions & Operations, 2021 Outstanding Technical Reviewer for SPE Production & Operations and SPE Journal, and 2021 Outstanding Young Faculty from CUPB.

Zhang holds a PhD degree in petroleum and natural gas engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and MSc and BSc degrees in petroleum engineering from China University of Petroleum, Beijing.