Openhole wireline logging, because of its lower overpull capacity relative to logging while drilling, is subject to increased stuck-tool risk. The risk increases in higher-overbalance environments typical for depleted reservoirs, but other aspects of sticking risk can be managed. The complete paper describes the measures taken in an openhole wireline-logging operation in a deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM) well under nearly 7,000-psi overbalance in a high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) slimhole environment using water-based reservoir drilling fluid (RDF) to achieve an efficient logging operation without incurring lost time attributed to conveyance-related issues.
The wireline data-acquisition program was planned for an injector well in the deepwater GOM development field. The goal of the well was to maintain reservoir pressure through waterflooding, maximize recovery, and appraise the downdip portion of the fault block.