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A new type of porous material called a covalent organic framework quickly sucks up carbon dioxide from ambient air.
The appeals court in The Hague said Shell had a responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect people from global warming but dismissed the 2021 ruling that ordered Shell to cut its absolute carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 compared with 2019 levels, including those caused by the use of its products.
Officials with the Interior Department want to make the protections for the Greater Sage Grouse even stronger with a plan that would eliminate loopholes that allowed development in areas considered crucial to the bird’s long-term survival.
Absolute Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Canadian Oil Sands Near Flat in 2023, Even as Production GrewAnalysis by S&P shows that the annual growth in absolute emissions was less than 1% for the third consecutive year.
As the initiative expands to include Oil India Limited, PetroChina, and Vår Energi, it identifies a need for standardized methodologies to enhance data quality and consistency.
This paper reviews decommissioning and abandonment in Nigeria, looks at candidate identification strategies, breaks down the methods and best practices involved, and examines the requirements for openhole and cased-hole abandonment.
Operator acquiring oil-weighted New Mexico assets of both Franklin Mountain Energy and Avant Natural Resources.
Operator also announces plans to deploy continuous, real-time detection equipment at all its operated upstream sites, including GranMorgu, by the end of 2025.
A comprehensive, digitized water-management application has been designed to streamline and enhance the monitoring and management of water resources used in hydraulic fracturing.
The Denver-based independent is boosting its position in the Canadian shale play by 109,000 net acres, and about 70,000 BOE/D.