
Solving the Riddle of Aging Iron

Global offshore decommissioning projects hear the starting gun in Australia and the North Sea, but will the race be a marathon or a sprint?

The Allseas Pioneering Spirit is the heavy-lift vessel that will be utilized by ExxonMobil for its Gippsland Basin decommissioning campaign. The vessel is set to arrive for work in late 2026. Source: Allseas.
The Allseas Pioneering Spirit is the heavy-lift vessel that will be utilized by ExxonMobil for its Gippsland Basin decommissioning campaign. The vessel is set to arrive for work in late 2026.
Source: Allseas.

The debate over offshore decommissioning is almost as old as the first ever offshore platform—if you’re going to install it, you will need a plan to remove it once its work is done. Decommissioning liabilities have historically been the responsibility of the facility’s operator. However, sometimes iron outlives its owner. A bankruptcy or merger (or multiple) can and have muddied the waters of just who is responsible for removing a structure once it is beyond its useful life.

If there is no traceable line of ownership once the operator is gone, the responsibility can fall to the host government.

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