Human resources

SPE Discounts OnePetro Papers, Offers Support for Learning and Job Transitions

As SPE members deal with challenging and uncertain times, they are reminded that there are a number of programs available to provide support and key resources. Read more to see which ones are useful to you and your career.


These extraordinary times have already shown us how we, as members of the industry and citizens of the world, are resilient and flexible in the face of uncertainty.

SPE offers a variety of resources and tools to help members deal with changing personal and professional circumstances. Mark Rubin, CEO and executive vice president, highlights how SPE is helping members. Watch his video message to members here. 

Discounted Member Prices for OnePetro

To assist SPE members, SPE has lowered the member price for SPE papers in OnePetro to $5/paper through 31 December 2020.

This represents a further 47% discount on conference papers and 58% discount on journal papers. Nonmembers pay a higher price. Individual members who had purchased a subscription to OnePetro are being contacted about the option to pause and extend their subscription to take advantage of the lower price.

We’re Here for You

With many of us working from home, you may not be able to attend an event or section meeting and network right now, but you can connect with SPE colleagues and take advantage of volunteer and learning opportunities that will help others as well as yourself. Connect here.

Members in Transition Program

Additional resources are available via SPE’s Members in Transition program, including insights shared by industry veterans J. Roger Hite and C. Susan Howes to guide members through a downturn.

SPE member Sid Banerjee, an application engineer, gives his recommendations for what engineers can do to prepare for and weather challenging times. Members who are in the midst of a career transition may take advantage of the following SPE benefits.

Dues Waiver: SPE offers a dues waiver for renewing members who have lost their jobs. To qualify, submit a written request by email to Customer Service, or by postal mail.

SPE Insurance Program: SPE offers a group insurance program designed to meet the unique needs of petroleum engineering professionals. Health, life, auto, and homeowner insurance programs are available. The programs offer a broad range of reliable and affordable plans that can stay with you even if you change jobs. Learn more and apply here.

Exclusive OnePetro Discount: SPE understands the importance of having affordable access to resources such as OnePetro, especially during employment shifts. Members must qualify for an SPE dues waiver to be eligible for a discounted subscription rate on several OnePetro paper packages.

SPE Connect: Accessing SPE community resources makes it possible for industry professionals from around the globe to connect with their community, share industry knowledge, and network during a downturn. Log in to SPE Connect here. 

SPE Online Education: Webinars, online training courses, and educational videos offer opportunities for career growth. Join our industry experts as they explore solutions to real problems and discuss trending topics. See the full list here.

SPE Competency Management Tool: The tool is a free online member benefit that allows you to assess your current professional capabilities and readiness for a new role against one of 41 key E&P job models. Click here to start now.