This paper discusses the development of a multientry, multistage fracturing system and its advantages over traditional openhole multistage fracturing solutions.
Field examples of operators using chemical restimulation to boost production in aging unconventional wells as an alternative to acid treatments.
Few things are more essential to the now global hydraulic fracturing revolution than access to fresh water, yet this dependency use has raised environmental concerns and operational challenges.
Two new studies from completions experts suggest the global upstream industry has a major opportunity in medium-quality reservoirs.
In the Marcellus, Repsol is slicing and dicing legacy data to evolve its completions strategy, while in the Permian, ExxonMobil is mastering the 4-mile lateral drillout using lessons learned.
The service giant shares new details about its automated fracturing spreads that slash human operator workload by 88%.
Industry leaders champion collaborative solutions as essential for overcoming fracturing limitations.
Three graduate students have received the 2025 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition Outstanding Graduate Student Award.
In this paper, an energy-based 3D fracture-reconstruction method is proposed to derive the complex fracture network from microseismic data in a shale gas reservoir.
This study introduces a cleanup- and flowback-testing approach incorporating advanced solids-separation technology, a portable solution, equipment automation, improved metallurgy, and enhanced safety standards.