Chevron’s announcement comes on the heels of ExxonMobil’s announcement in December of a similar project to deliver natural gas-fueled electricity to US data centers.
From optimizing drilling performance to enhancing worker safety, computer vision can change how the industry works.
This paper presents a complete digital workflow applied to several greenfields in the Asia Pacific region that leads to successful deep-transient-testing operations initiated from intelligent planning that positively affected field-development decisions.
This study introduces a cleanup- and flowback-testing approach incorporating advanced solids-separation technology, a portable solution, equipment automation, improved metallurgy, and enhanced safety standards.
The authors make the case that data science captures value in well construction when data-analysis methods, such as machine learning, are underpinned by first principles derived from physics and engineering and supported by deep domain expertise.
These papers provided insights and advances into field-operations automation, machine-learning-assisted petrophysical characterization, and fluid-distribution analysis in unconventional assets.
In this paper, the authors propose a regression machine-learning model to predict stick/slip severity index using sequences of surface measurements.
Located 230 km south of Abu Dhabi, the onshore Shah field produces around 70,000 B/D of crude.
A new report from GlobalData provides an overview of the digitalization efforts within the industry and their potential to transform operations.
A recent survey conducted by Rackspace Technology reveals new attitudes about using the cloud, including a change from using the public cloud to using private, on-site clouds or a hybrid of the two.