Bohai Bay
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
South Bohai Sea find offers up light crude bounty.
Development duo is expected to add more than 12,000 B/D of oil production at peak.
At peak, the new discoveries are expected to contribute more than 12,000 BOPD.
The authors describe a logging-while-drilling nuclear-magnetic-resonance method applied in Bohai Bay, China, as an alternative to radioactive source-porosity measurements.
The authors examine a theory that low resistivity in a Chinese reservoir is caused by bound water trapped in clay minerals and develop an improved model for production prediction of offset wells.
Xu Keqiang took the reins as CEO of the Chinese national oil company on 19 November. Meanwhile, more oil is flowing from the offshore Caofeidian 11-1/11-6 oilfield project.
This paper details the design and execution of what the authors say they believe is the first successful frac-pack operation in a previously gravel-packed well.