career development
To turn the spotlight on YPs' contributions to the industry, SPE's The Way Ahead Editorial Committee is accepting nominations for "TWA Energy Influencers 2022: Young Professionals Who ENERGIZE Our Industry.”
This selection of papers will familiarize facilities engineers with a variety of topics so they are more prepared for what 2022 may bring.
The authors present a three-component system for optimizing chances of career success.
Two years ago, a longtime petroleum engineer and former SPE President dared to speak of a future in which his discipline had seen peak employment. He’s back again with a new paper that tries to explain where things may go from here.
A selection of outstanding young professionals in the oil and gas industry whose work positively influences and inspires others.
SPE Certification provides an endorsement of an engineer’s technical skills and capabilities by a global organization that extends to anywhere you may travel or work—a highly desirable benefit given the global nature of oil and gas operations.
The oil and gas industry's performance in executing megaprojects is dismal in terms of cost overruns and schedule slippage. An operating company has introduced a support group dedicated to project management and developed a program based on online resources, social networking, mentoring and coaching
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