data analytics
In the pursuit of sustainable industrial operations, three pivotal objectives emerge: risk reduction, safety assurance, and cost minimization. Integrating these objectives into digital transformation strategies enables operators to effectively manage emissions and achieve success.
The 2023 Offshore Energy Digital and Data Maturity Survey report aims to deepen understanding of how organizations are applying data and digital technologies to help transform the UK energy system to achieve net zero targets.
From the first supercomputer to generative AI, JPT has followed the advancement of digital technology in the petroleum industry. As the steady march of innovation continues, four experts give their views on the state and future of data science in the industry.
Devon Energy along with petroleum engineering consulting and software firm Whitson and cloud computing company Snowflake developed a system to monitor the dynamics of 5,000 wells.
The Taiwanese company is upgrading its ships in an effort to improve its ability to work with companies pursuing offshore renewable energy.
This paper presents a case study on injectivity tests to prove the concept of carbon capture, use, and sequestration capability, describing the design of surface and downhole testing systems, lessons learned, and recommendations.
The authors of this paper describe a project aimed at automating the task of cuttings descriptions with machine-learning and artificial-intelligence techniques, in terms of both lithology identification and quantitative estimation of lithology abundances.
The combined firm aims to create a stronger and more diversified geophysical company and energy data provider.
This paper presents the concept of a supervisory and advisory system dedicated to support the detection of abnormal events and to provide guidelines for fluid treatment.
Sustainability data management is a relatively new discipline that requires a unique set of tools, processes, and procedures to meet corporate demands.