Delaware Basin
Field examples of operators using chemical restimulation to boost production in aging unconventional wells as an alternative to acid treatments.
Regional pore-pressure variations in the Leonardian- and Wolfcampian-age producing strata in the Midland and Delaware basins are studied using a variety of subsurface data.
At SPE’s Permian Basin Energy Conference, operators shared behind-the-scenes details on innovations such as drilling horseshoe wells and trimulfrac completions along with in-basin challenges such as handling produced water.
Operator acquiring oil-weighted New Mexico assets of both Franklin Mountain Energy and Avant Natural Resources.
New and evolving artificial lift technology is helping operators improve production rates.
Losing drill-hungry independent and private companies in the region to robust M&A will mean an activity slowdown that is expected to impact volumes coming from the nation’s largest oil field.
A 44-well development tests what ConocoPhillips has learned about maximizing the value of the wells by figuring out how they drain the reservoir.
Produced water is a brew of salt, chemicals, and minerals that oil companies have always had to deal with. Landowners had no problem with that arrangement until they could see ways to make some money from it.
The Oklahoma independent agreed to acquire the assets of three private companies in its quest to scale up in the Permian's Delaware Basin.
The authors of this paper analyze a robust, well-distributed parent/child well data set using a combination of available empirical data and numerical simulation outputs to develop a predictive machine-learning model.
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