digital rocks
The study uses laboratory and digital core analyses of Berea sandstone to estimate petrophysical and dynamic properties for adjustment of predicted precipitation and flow reduction in reservoir simulation models of intermittent CO₂ injection with aquifer drive.
Virtual reality and related visualization technologies are helping reshape how the industry views 3D data, makes decisions, and trains personnel.
The natural fractures discovered on Mars during rover missions might be so important that they are worth bringing back to Earth.
This article presents the application of a reinforcement learning control framework based on the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. The crack propagation process is simulated in Abaqus, which is integrated with a reinforcement learning environment to control crack propagation in brittle material. The real-world deployment of the proposed control framework is also dis…
SponsoredThermo Scientific e-Core Software is a unique, high-performance computing platform for the characterization of complex porous media. It focuses on the three essential components of Digital Rock Analysis: parallel computing, multiscale modeling, and process-based reconstruction of 3D volumes.
Need a Faster Measure of Relative Permeability? Take a CT Scan and Follow With Digital Rock AnalysisFaster, lower-cost measures of multiphase permeability of conventional reservoirs are promised by a digital rock analysis method developed by BP and Exa, which is marketing software to measure relative permeability.
This paper describes the development of “digital-rocks” technology, in which high-resolution 3D image data are used in conjunction with advanced modeling and simulation methods to measure petrophysical rock properties.