engineering education
Two years ago, a longtime petroleum engineer and former SPE President dared to speak of a future in which his discipline had seen peak employment. He’s back again with a new paper that tries to explain where things may go from here.
Petroleum engineering will be needed for decades to come to provide the required energy for the world and help alleviate the challenges of climate change. It will evolve into energy transition as it has been changing since its inception in modern history.
If stakeholders take action and initiate dialogue, we may be able to accelerate efforts to make our industry safer.
PETRONAS, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) recently collaborated on how best to leverage the collective strengths, expertise, knowledge of the industry, academia, and professional association.
Artificial intelligence can do some things faster and better than humans can. But that may allow engineers to focus on higher-value tasks.
Hon-Chung Lau, professor of petroleum engineering at the National University of Singapore, offered a short guide to a successful career in petroleum engineering at the 2019 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
The industry is becoming increasingly complex, leading to changes in how universities approach education for undergraduate study.
Speaking on the final day of ATCE 2019 in her home province of Alberta, Shauna Noonan unveiled the theme of her 2020 SPE presidency, “SPE Strong: Strengthen the Core.”
Many leaders of petroleum engineering schools from around the world have never met but SPE’s technical director for academia would like to change that.
The world’s largest oil company says it has doubled the number of women working for it in the last decade and is spearheading a number of initiatives to grow the trend.